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What is Instant Coffee?

What is Instant Coffee?

Do you have enough time to brew your own coffee at home? Or can you afford to buy coffee from cafes every day? If the answer to these questions is no, then you must get some instant coffee for yourself. 

Many people are now buying instant coffee to help save their time and money. So, what is instant coffee? Let’s take a look! 

What is Instant Coffee? 

Instant coffee is essentially coffee in extracted powder form that you combine with water. Since water is removed from instant coffee during the production process, you will only need to add that later. 

Instant coffee comes with reduced flavor and caffeine content as compared to regular coffee. People usually drink instant coffee when they are in a hurry and want to stay alert throughout the day. 

What is in an Instant Coffee?

Instant coffee is different from regular coffee as it is made by mixing ground coffee beans with water or oil. After mixing, the water is removed through numerous processes. After the water has been removed, you are left with about 10% of the caffeine. A lot of caffeine is removed in this process. 

The amount of caffeine that is left usually depends on the production process. Different brands have different caffeine content for their instant coffee. Some brands even add caffeine back so that you can get an extra amount of caffeine. Generally, you would expect about 20-85 mg of caffeine per teaspoon. 

How Much Instant Coffee Should You Have?

There is no correct answer to this question. However, whenever you are drinking instant coffee make sure that you stay within your caffeine limit. For adults, this limit usually lies around 400 mg per day. You can either be too sensitive to caffeine or not very sensitive. If you don’t react well to large amounts of caffeine, you should consider reducing your instant coffee intake. 

Before buying instant coffee, always check the packaging to see the amount of caffeine it has. If you are still concerned, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. 

Is Instant Coffee Good for You?

Replacing your usual brewed cup of coffee with instant coffee is definitely not an unhealthy option. However, just like regular coffee, avoid drinking too much instant coffee at the same time. 

Since instant coffee comes with less caffeine, it can even be better for your digestive system. Instant coffee can also help increase your energy levels while reducing your stress levels at the same time. It also comes with antioxidants that can be good for your immune system

Summing Up

Though instant coffee might not be the same as regularly brewed coffee, you get the same benefits as you would with regular coffee. Instant coffee helps make your lives better by saving time, money, and energy. So if you are in a hurry, you should definitely try out some instant coffee options!

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